"Ketika inilah hatiku rindukan kasihNYA"

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Wish

~Assalamualaikum wtb~

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah for giving me the chances to still alive and live happily with my beloved family. 
Recently, I think I keep dreaming about the same thing which is all about a wish of mine. This is a wish that influenced me from watching too much korean drama, movie, or in the other word effect from the k-pop itself. But, it was a long time ago punya story. Yeah, i was a big fan of k-pop, Wonder Girls, SNSD, Bigbang, Super Junior, T-ARA, 2ne1.. I WAS.. I don't think i love them (k-pop) as i love them before. 

And now, still i have the desire to go to their country, but not because of the k-pop, but the country itself which is KOREA. one of the biggest reason why i love to go to Korea is the snow and the environment which i think bring us to the heaven of serenity. Sometime, i spent about certain hours to explore about Korea through internet. I read a lot about Korea from the Malaysian blogger site who have been there once or more. 

Actually, i plan to go to Korea during winter, because the snow only appear during this season.. Hahahaha, it sound funny and a bit insane because most of people are avoiding the cold weather. I don't care what other people will say about me, because i love snow even i never see or touch the real one.. 

I logged in to my fb just an hour ago and i got notification from my sister from Egypt. Yeah, she tagged me her picture holding snow.. pfffffffffttt.. no falling snow, no heavy snow. but still the snow. the real snow which i dreamed a long time ago to have that chance to touch or playing with the real snow...
Ommaaa Appaaa :(
Tolong bagi saya $$$$$ untuk ke Korea..... Uwaaaaaaaa  :(

Dear reader kalau ada yg baca entry ni laa, doakan saya berpeluang untuk menjejakkan kaki ke bumi Korea suatu hari nanti,Amin Ya Robbal Alamin... amin amin amin amin amin...


ZzzzzZZzzzzzzz korea..korea.. zzzZZZzzz korea ..korea..korea ..korea zZZzzzzZZ

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