"Ketika inilah hatiku rindukan kasihNYA"

Sunday, December 8, 2013


~Assalamualaikum wtb~

Alhamdulillah the highest praise to our creator Allah swt for letting me
to live in this dunya and lend me a chance to feel all of this. Alhamdulillah~~~

It's been a long time i guess since my last post. Im sorry for my long absence and also sorry for my grammatical wrong which i thought become even worst day by day. Oh, it might be because i didn't use english as often as my university life. Since final exam had finished, i just stayed at home helping my mom with house cores, watching korean drama (ch393 ofcourse), feed my cats, and so on. Can u see how much time i spent to improve my english? None! I realized that i should'nt let myself to live my life like this forever but to continuously gain knowledge especially To learn english in anyways. No excuses, no nonsense. *nekad*

By the way, i strongly believe that most of us know about the word '3in1'... I think, it can be use in certain situations such as for drinks, foods, cloths, work, or even in learning something. And yeah, i'd been practicing this 3in1 to learn some foreign languages since last october. I wanted to be multilingual, that's all. Hence, being a multilingual would benefit u in certain situation. Whatever it is, just believe that it will benefits u...

Guess what languages i learn currently? #korean and japanese#
Since i loves kpop so much, i learn korean more than japanese. Moreover, japanese is more difficult than korean. Japanese has so much special and unique characters in their alphabet and it is hard to remember all of them in one shot. Surprisingly, i got it so easy to learn a very basic korean. I started with their alphabet, pronounciation, remember and try to form a new sentence without looking at the internet or paper. I succeed! :-D believe me.. Now, i can read korean language (hangul) with 90% confidence just in almost 2 months by my self. I dont asks any help from anyone, but just learn in by guidence from the internet, and by watching korean drama and also kpop song. If u see the title of this post, it's pronounce as 'annyeonghasaeyo' which means 'greetings' or 'hello'... I would like to show you a sentence in hangul, but unfortunately i am using my sister's tablet and it didn't have hangul keyboard as we can setting in laptop or smartphone. Nevermind, i will show u more hangul sentence in my next posts, insyaAllah..

So here the screencap picture of my handwriting in hangul...

"Annyeonghasaeyo... jeoneun afidah-eyo... Ban gawayo"
Tr: Hello... i'm afidah... Nice to meet you

Till then


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